Ignite FB Tracking Pixeltbd FM 2313, Kempner, TX 76539 - Marina Prieto
Always Here Properties, LLC
Marina Prieto, Always Here Properties, LLCPhone: (254) 289-0672
Email: [email protected]

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LandFor Sale
TBD FM 2313
Kempner, TX 76539
Listing Provided Courtesy of Always Here Properties, Llc
MLS: Central Texas MLS
Est. Mortgage

Have you been looking for that acreage where you can hunt those big bucks, raise a few cattle, build that home you have been dreaming of….then look no further. This 50.575 acreage property is the perfect property that doesn’t come along often. The huge, mature oaks are astounding and are throughout the entire tract. There are cedars and mesquite that need a little taming but you will be able to look right past them because of the amazing hardwoods on this property. There is even an old tackle room and wooden dock over the seasonal creek just waiting on you to bring it to life again. You will find a small barn and pens at the gate for wrangling your cattle or horses. From many different locations on this property, you will be in awe of the gorgeous views that await you. In the middle of this tract, you will find what at one time was a cultivated field where all the cedars have been permanently removed, and it just has vegetation and small mesquites now.

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